Should I stay or should I go?
This is a short term (5 sessions maximum) intervention which supports ambivalent partners to make a decision to:
1. End the relationship and engage in conscious closure or
2. Re-commit though a ceremony and then seriously work on the dynamics that the discernment counselling has revealed.
This method was developed by Dr. Bill Doherty, an international researcher and clinician in family and martial therapy. It is most appropriate for couples where one partner wants to preserve and repair the relationship and the other is “leaning out” or considering ending it. It is sometimes the case that both partners have lost heart and are basically waiting for the other to end it. Sara can help you void this painful hemorrhaging by revealing the double bind and using leverage of the short term nature of the work to spur partners to push hard into their ambivalence.
In this modality, partners meet with Sara together and individually for optimum exposure to the underlying dynamics.
The majority of couples are able to make a decision after they engage in this process. For those who cannot, a trial separation may be required.
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