
If you wish to be notified when a group begins, sign up for Resolution Matters newsletter.
All groups will be announced there.

Groups are an excellent adjunct to Individual or Couples Therapy, as they allow you to gain new insights, skills, resources and practise.  They work equally well for those not currently undertaking counselling, for similar reasons.


Next Offerings

Please join me

for my new series! 

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Please join me

for my new series!

Registration Required



Kootenay Tribe Presents:

Good Grief:  Befriending Yourself and Others in Times of Sorrow

A two-part series reclaiming the art of turning towards loss in service of healing.  In community, we can transmute the powerful energies of sorrow into good grief.  Sara offers potent tools, rituals and a list of resources to help participants transform grief into a force that allows then to live and love more fully.

Part 1:
Monday August 14: 7-9 pm or
Saturday, August 19: 9-11 am

Part 2: 
Wednesday, Sept 13: 7-9 pm
Saturday, Sept 16: 9-11 am

Nelson Chamber of Commerce (upstairs)
91 Baker Street, Nelson
Cost:  Pre-Register $35 session
At the Door: $45/session
Sliding Scale available

Reviving the Lost Art of Cherishing

Stop the clock for two and a half hours and cultivate a new awareness of how to cherish your beloved–-the one within you, and the one you are partnered with.

Your Relationship Rewired: An Experiential Group for Couples

This experiential group will begin rewiring and newly firing neurological networks which never came “online” or grew dormant through lack of use. Couples are guided to actively engage in relational practices that constitute and reconstruct relational networks which produce connection, intimacy and joy.
Relationship Rocket Science: Progressing Your Relational Skills and Interpersonal Maturity For Couples

Would you like to speak so that you are heard? Learn attunement and empathy? Or stop the awful cycles of arguing? How about recover from “ouches!” more quickly and completely?Or maybe you’re longing to be enfolded in the depths of intimacy? You’ve learned the 3 R’s already, join us to add the 4th “R”:Relationship.

Past Groups (which will be offered again):

  • Sexual Healing for Women
  • Cherishing Yourself
  • Assertiveness for Women
  • Making Friends with Food
  • Working through Childhood Trauma
  • Relationship Readiness