Walk and Talk Therapy

Experience the magic of combining 3 life enhancing ingredients:   Rhythmic movement,  emotional support, and verdant nature.

Find Your Ground

Find Your Ground

We are holistic, and each part of us is integrally connected, so cognitive and emotional shifts occur when we are embodied and moving.  This service was enormously popular in Vancouver, and Sara is now very pleased to offer it in Nelson. Sara is a certified Relational Forest Therapy guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, as well as completing advanced coursework in Nature Based Therapy and Walk and Talk Therapy.  These teachings, combined with her long-time clinical counselling skills, and passion for human wholeness in the natural environment, ensures enrichment for participants.

Book an Appointment



5-50-555 Summer Saunter Special 
Buy a package of 5 Walk and Talk therapy sessions, each 50 minutes, for $555. At a savings of 30%, this is a gorgeous way to stay active and off the couch and dosed with support from the winning team: Sara and Mother Nature.
Fine Print: Good for one year from date of purchase. Non-refundable, but $111 can be applied towards video or phone counselling, which are $140.  Only one Special may be purchased at a time.


Who Benefits from Walk and Talk Therapy?

Just about everyone!
The issues which bring people into traditional therapy— including anxiety, depression, grief, stress, school, work, transitions, sexuality, self esteem, relationships, or stage of life—all respond exceptionally well to this format.  Increased energy, enjoyment, clarity and belonging are common responses.   It is less suitable for processing very emotional states, where the containment of an office space and increased confidentiality lends a sense of safety.

Walk and Talk Therapy is a powerful TONIC.  In fact, there is a recipe for better holistic health at the tips of your toes….go ahead….make the LEAP Here

Your Brain Loves Walking.  Read More

Want to read more?


Walk and Talk is In the News:
Bustle article
CTV Video Clip on Mental Health Benefits.

Sara Walks her Talk
Wild Nature has always been my truest home—my happy place, but also a deep holding environment that heals the wear and tear of life. Step Deeper  into my journey…..

The Experience
Wandering through a forest or along a beach can enchant us into taking a deeper breath, slowing down, and encountering that which is inviting us into our depths.  Ineffable, but very real, we sense an energy which is larger than ourselves at play —undeniable, subtle and profound.

Rooting in green nature is a necessary counterpoint to the rapidity of the material world, which has us amped in fight or flight,  drowning in cortisol and consumption, flat-lining on screens, binging on social media and starving for the 3D connections we long for.
Forest, not Facebook.

Nature IS Nurture—a palpable, emanating presence which entrains our brain-body in a theta wavelength, dropping us into the present moment and the parasympathetic (rest and relate) nervous system.  This co-regulation can also occur in contact with human presence, and is the primary theraputic ingredient of psychotherapy.  In these holding environments, we feel “felt” and a substantial sense of peace descends—there is a softening and opening as a neuroception of safety envelopes us.

This is foundational healing and counters the perennial existential angst, which challenges our basic belonging and worth.  It is here that we feel our true potential, part of a living system which we naturally respond to with love and appreciation and a longing to know more deeply and to protect.  It is here that we can explore right relation with ourselves and all our relations.  

The Trails
Local Nelson trails are chosen based on degree of privacy desired, energy level, and focus of session.   All routes are relatively flat, wide, and well groomed.  See description of trails in FAQ below.


What is Walk and Talk Therapy

Quite simply, its talk therapy conducted while walking in fresh air and connecting with nature, rather than sitting in an office.

Who Benefits from Walk and Talk Therapy?

Just about everyone!  
The issues which bring people into traditional therapy— including anxiety, depression, grief, stress, school, work, transitions, sexuality, self esteem, relationships, or stage of life—all respond exceptionally well to this format.

In addition, Walk and Talk Therapy:

  • Moderates stress, anxiety, supports work-life balance, transitions
  • Engages new behaviors related to physical health (i.e., relationship with food, exercise, mood, sleep).
  • Supports brain growth, integration and function.  For more information:  Your Brain on Walking 
  • Anchors people in “the bigger picture” of their body, breath, nature and environment and increases appreciation, sense of belonging.

It is less suitable for processing very emotional states, where the containment of an office space lends a sense of safety.
In the Media:
 Bustle Article.

CTV Video Clip on Mental Health Benefits
Benefits of Walk and Talk Therapy

Parking and Meeting Points

The gorgeous Rail Trail allows easy walking side by side with lots of parking at both Mountain Station and Svoboda Road locations.  Strolling next to the water at Lakeside Park is also an option, but will be less private.  All routes are relatively flat, wide, and well groomed.  Parking is nearby (see below).  You are welcome to choose a preferred start point, or to ask for guidance.

Ensure nothing valuable is left in your  car; break-ins are rare….but let’s practise safety.

Svoboda Parking lot 1510 Svoboda Road, at the end of Elywn Street Rail Trail is flat, wide and gravelled
Mountain Station Parking Lot 1105 Mountain Station Road, intersection with Cherry Rail Trail is flat, wide and gravelled
Lakeside Park Follow Poplar Street directly into Chahko Mika mall parking lot and park on the right, pointed towards the park. This path is flat, wide and both gravel and paved. Option to walk along beach in sand


Safety Measures

Emotional Safety:  Yes, I carry Kleenex! Crying is a natural emotional release and part of healing.  You can slip on sunglasses and we can linger in a secluded place to allow more privacy. See also confidentiality section below

Provided on each walk:  blister kit, sunscreen, water, energy bars, umbrella, kleenex, and a cell phone battery charger with standard USB terminal.

Restrooms:  There are pubic restrooms at the beginning of two routes:
Chahka Mika Mall or the Lakeside park restroom for Lakeside route
Selkirk College 820 Tenth St, Gym facility for Svoboda Rail Trail walk.
Mountain Station route does not have amenities.

What to Bring/Wear

Shoes:  Wear comfortable shoes which have been broken in.  After rain, it may be muddy.  There is an option to walk on the beach.

Clothing: The trails are exposed to both deep shade and sun—wear breathable layers to adapt to changes in temperature from shoreside to forest.   In inclement weather, bring a rain layer.

Gear:  Sunscreen, water, sunglasses, sunhat, umbrella.  You may wish to bring your walking poles, if you regularly use them.

What about Inclement Weather?

If the weather is inclement, you can opt to do a phone or videocounselling session, or meet under the Rotary picnic cover at Lakeside Park (the one near the labyrinth and playground).  It’s always your call, though a change in plan requires 60 minutes notice. Dress for all weather, and bring an umbrella!


Meeting Someone:  We will create a plan of how you would like to respond if we meet someone you know.  It’s your choice whether you introduce me and how.  You can refer to me as a friend.  If we meet someone I know, I will greet them and continue walking with you.  I will NOT introduce you.  The various routes are selected to minimize contact with other walkers, and routes change based on time of day.  To avoid being overheard, I may ask that we pause for a moment, or step off the trail momentarily. For sessions where you know particularly sensitive or emotional things will be shared, you may want to opt for a videocounselling session.

The Content of your Session:  You will remain in charge of what you wish to divulge in therapy. Regardless of the setting, information shared in a therapy session is considered confidential and privileged within the confines of legal and ethical standards and is treated the same as in a traditional therapy setting.

Casenotes:  The major points of your session will be charted electronically in the password protected Janeapp booking system.

Is this a Cardio Workout?

No.  Not unless you want it to be.  You are in charge of finding a pace that is comfortable to you, and modestly raises your heart-rate without winding you.   Those struggling with walking for any reason are invited to sit for periods of their session—resting by the water or under the trees.  Exercise does not need to be hard to produce wellness!  You’re also welcome to bring your walking poles.   This distributes the weight so that the hips/knees take less; it also allows for better balance.

Sessions are Booked Online

Walk and Talk is offered first and last session of each day, Monday through Thursday. Book online

Longer sessions:  Sessions are generally 50 or 100 minutes; longer experiences are available; please tell me your interests we’ll make it happen. Examples are Pulpit Rock, Lyons Bluffs, Troup Point.

Groups:  If you wish to walk with friends, and include elements of forest bathing, mindfulness practise, embodiment exercises and an opportunity to experience biophilia, tell me your vision and we’ll manifest it together.

Couples Counselling and Intensives:  Do you feel more “yourself” in nature and find yourself more able to connect?  Not surprising!  Our parasympathetic nervous system—the one which “relates and relaxes” comes online more in natural settings.  If you struggle with reactivity getting in the way during sessions, let’s ground you in the outdoors and bring the best in you to eachother.


Bugs: Very Unlikely.  Unless you are allergic, this will not be a problem, but feel free to use a deterrent if you like; I am not sensitive to those products.

Devices:  You may wish to take an occasional picture.  However, this is a therapeutic environment, you are invited to stay focussed on the work at hand, just as you do in the office

Dogs:  If it does not undermine the therapeutic focus of the session, it’s possible that your furry friend can join us. Please feel free to bring up this possibility for us to explore before brining you dog.Rail Trail does NOT require a leash; Lakeside Park Walk DOES.

If you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to email me